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Bighorn Energy Corporation Logo

Oil & Gas

Creating Value

At Bighorn Energy we leverage employee experience, creativity, and knowledge, collaborating to acquire, develop and optimize under-utilized assets. 

All corporate decisions are made with a long-term perspective, maintaining financial sustainability to manage our development and liabilities. 

Our risk management strategy involves monitoring markets and allocating a significant amount of our production to fixed price forward sale contracts.

Current Operations

Alberta Map
High River
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Bighorn Energy’s operations span four production fields in Alberta including light oil, heavy oil, and sweet and sour gas production. These include over 250 wells, 550 km of pipelines, and associated oil and gas processing facilities. Bighorn Energy adheres to strict environmental, social, and governance standards with corporate policies that meet and exceed regulatory and legislative requirements, upholding values of operational excellence and responsible development.

Responsible and Alberta Focused
  • Well understood regulatory regime

  • AER compliant

    • No enforcement actions or non-compliance issues

    • Area Based Closure participant.

  • Manageable inactive well count/liability 

  • LMR over 2.0 

Core Areas and Opportunities
  • Amadou: Heavy oil and natural gas with oil horizontal infill and shallow gas reactivation potential

  • Crossfield: Natural gas and Natural Gas Liquids

  • High River / Medallion: Liquid-Rich Natural Gas 

  • Puskwa: Light Montney oil with horizontal infills

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Bighorn Energy is committed to building a sustainable business as a premier Energy Development Company, and World-Class Carbon Sequestration Operator, responsibly developing energy projects that allow for the de-carbonization of industrial processes in Alberta. With over 100 years of managerial expertise among its senior executives, covering a full range of disciplines in Energy Asset Management including reservoir, facilities, production, operations, regulatory, finance, land management, and business development.


Bighorn Milestones



Bighorn Energy has no debt.


Significant growth has occurred through accretive acquisitions and development of existing assets.

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Bighorn Performance

Growth Plan


Bighorn Energy is committed to building a sustainable business, and responsibly developing energy projects. 

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